Showing 101 - 114 of 114 Results
South and East Africa; Volume 4 by Lucas, Charles Prestwood Sir ISBN: 9781374004948 List Price: $21.95
South and East Africa; Volume 4 by Lucas, Charles Prestwood Sir ISBN: 9781374004962 List Price: $30.95
Lord Durham's Report on the Affairs of British North America; Volume 2 by Durham, John George Lambton... ISBN: 9781374365001 List Price: $27.95
Lord Durham's Report on the Affairs of British North America; Volume 2 by Durham, John George Lambton... ISBN: 9781374364998 List Price: $17.95
Canada, Volume 5, Issue 1 by Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas ISBN: 9781012939335 List Price: $27.95
Historical Geography of the British Colonies : The West Indies by Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas ISBN: 9781013004919 List Price: $27.95
Quomodo in Antiquis Civitatibus Pauperes Indigentesque Publice Aut Privatim Sublevebantur? O... by Charles Prestwood Lucas (Sir ) ISBN: 9781013160998 List Price: $21.95
War and the Empire [microform] : Some Facts and Deductions by Lucas, C. P. (Charles Prest... ISBN: 9781015339842 List Price: $12.95
Origin & Growth of the English Colonies and of Their System of Government; by Egerton, Hugh Edward 1855-1... ISBN: 9781371776459 List Price: $15.95
Origin & Growth of the English Colonies and of Their System of Government; by Egerton, Hugh Edward 1855-1... ISBN: 9781371776480 List Price: $25.95
Introduction to a Historical Geography of the British Colonies by Charles Prestwood Lucas Sir ISBN: 9783742811875 List Price: $24.50
The War And The Empire: Some Facts And Deductions by Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas ISBN: 9781376961966 List Price: $9.95
South Africa : History To 1895. 1913 by Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas ISBN: 9781010885993 List Price: $16.95
The War and the Empire: Some Facts and Deductions by Sir Charles Prestwood Lucas ISBN: 9781020180811
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